
Xerosis, meaning a drying of the skin, is common in senior citizens.  Xerosis treatment is designed to relieve symptoms.  The application of moisturizer helps to treat the skin.  Creams that are oil-based are that much more capable of retaining moisture than those that primarily consist of water.  The best creams for xerosis are those with urea or lactic acid.  However, if the skin is especially itchy, a topical steroid medication might help.  Products labeled as lotions instead of cream have less oil.  Though lotions with water have the potential to aggravate xerosis, they are worth considering before resorting to other treatment modalities.  There are also some professional treatments worth considering in addition to initial natural treatments that may or may not work. 

Our office is here to help reduce your physical discomfort and irritation, improve your personal appearance and help keep your skin as moist as possible.  From directions pertaining to bathing to techniques for cleaning highly sensitive skin and guidance pertaining to the use of medications, our team is here for you.  Though emollients available over-the-counter differ in terms of cost and quality, every patient should be aware that such potential solutions often contain ingredients that might not actually serve a medical purpose.  Specialized creams, topics and ointments will be considered appropriately based on your unique xerosis.