
Tendonitis is treated with rest, ice, compression and elevation or the acronym of RICE for short.  The faster tendonitis is treated, the faster you will be able to return to normal.  Dr. John J. Adler and Dr. Arin J. Sheingold with the Foot & Ankle Center are here to analyze your unique tendonitis and create the optimal treatment plan.  If tendonitis recurs, we will consider everything from the use of durable medical equipment such as crutches to hot packs, skin balms, heat, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, nonsurgical treatments, orthopedic surgery, corticosteroid injections, etc. 

Treating tendonitis with compression sleeves/wraps, ice, rest and stretching helps mitigate the symptoms or even successfully treat tendonitis, liberating you to return to a relatively normal life.  If tendonitis recurs, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and additional treatment modalities will be considered.  In some instances, physical therapy strengthens the tendon and bolsters its flexibility to the point that it returns to functionality without pain.  In other instances, one corticosteroid local injection or several such injections spaced out over time might significantly reduce the pain. 

Surgery is a last resort.  Surgery eliminates bone spurs and realigns the tendons to reduce pressure put on the tendons and eliminate accumulated calcium.