
Metatarsalgia pain has the potential to prove debilitating.  Patients who suspect or know they have metatarsalgia are encouraged to contact our office in Cape Coral, FL by dialing (239) 573-9200.  Metatarsalgia pain is addressed with pressure bandages, arch supports, cushioned pads, shoe orthotics, stretching and ice.  Try to remain off your feet until the foot feels better.  If you find there is a callus on the foot bottom where pain is present, it might be necessary to have it scraped down by a medical professional to alleviate pressure. 

Medication, including the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aleve, ibuprofen or another pain reliever, might also help.  Steroids that are of the long-acting variety taken in unison with nerve blocks are also worth considering if the pinched nerve is the primary cause of the discomfort. However, if there are issues with the bones or if a pinched nerve requires releasing, surgery might be necessary.