Hallux Limitus

Hallux limitus can sometimes be managed on one’s own with a conservative approach.  Wearing shoes with a stiff sole or shoes of a certain width/length that reduces pressure on the big toe along with tis joint are one potential solution.  Even the addition of a soft gel pad will decrease pressure along the joint.  Those with flat arches are encouraged to consider an over-the-counter orthotic or custom orthotic.  However, these suggestions might not work, even if used in combination with anti-inflammatories available over-the-counter. 

Seek guidance from the Foot & Ankle Center in Cape Coral and we will determine if another solution is appropriate in lieu of those listed above or after those fail to produce the intended results.  As an example, corticosteroid injections might help reduce inflammation and pain in the event that home treatments do not provide sufficient relief. 

If necessary, surgery will be considered.  However, surgery is only considered if there is a foot deformity that worsens the hallux limitus.  As an example, the cheilectomy procedure is regularly used to treat hallux rigidus and hallux limitus.  This procedure centers on an incision within the top section of the foot to shave bone spurs and eliminate a portion of the metatarsal bone.