
Ganglion cysts do not require treatment unless they cause pain.  Dr. John J. Adler and Dr. Arin J. Sheingold might recommend waiting and seeing how the ganglions on your feet progress.  However, if necessary, we will intervene with treatment.  We might recommend aspiration in which a needle is used to eliminate cyst fluid. 

Ganglions can also be treated with immobilization.  Activity has the potential to enlarge ganglions to the point that they become even more painful, prompting the use of a splint or brace.  The shrinking cyst has the potential to release pressure along the nerves, minimizing pain.  However, it is a mistake to use the splint or brace for an extended period of time as it will weaken the adjacent muscles.  If the treatment modalities described above do not work, we will consider surgery. 

Surgery involves the removal of a cyst along with the connection to the tendon or joint.  The surgery has the potential to compromise nearby blood vessels yet the chances of such an outcome are minimal.  Ask questions of our medical team in Cape Coral, pose any concerns you might have about your ganglions and potential treatment options and we will help you move forward with significantly less pain.